Its Disney's private island. Good news...through significant effort I finally consistently pronounce "cay" correctly as "key" instead of incorrectly as "kay". Whoot! Whoot!
The island itself is nice. Two negatives in my book: First, the family beach is entirely within a rock enclosed area so there are no waves whatsoever. Georgie's favorite thing to do is play in the waves. Second, rather than the soft, white sand that is abundant on many of the the Caribbean islands, the sand at Castaway is rough and rocky with lots of shells. Otherwise, it is very beautiful. Unfortunately I still wasn't feeling 100% so we didn't walk around the island a lot. The weather was absolute perfection as it had been for our entire trip. Not overly hot and never even the tiniest bit cold. I pulled a deck chair into the water and sat there for most of the afternoon watching G play. Bobby and G created a mermaid sculpture in the sand. Pleasant day.
We made our way back to the ship relatively early. Thanks to Bobby's insistence, we were industrious and managed to get our packing done (yay for us!) then got ready for dinner. Our final night was in Animator's Palate which was perfect. When we sat down we were each provided with a placemat with a paper doll type drawing on it. You then got to decorate your little person the way you wanted with markers and such. While we were enjoying our meal, they collect the drawings then somehow scan them into a computer program that animates them. While we ate dessert they played a cartoon type thing that features all our little people. Its difficult to explain but, take my word for it, its fun and super cute!
After taking in the show we put poor, exhausted little G to bed. Normally we spend the last night of a cruise hanging out on the balcony and complaining that its almost over but, because it was January and we were heading north, it was too COLD! Instead, we celebrated the fact that I finally felt like I could eat something by ordering way too much room service :-) Unfortunately, by this point in time, Bobby started feeling sick :-(
Having the characters on the beach was really fun!
Georgie has a soft spot for Captain Hook...
I think Chip and Dale are the most fun characters to interact with. You can always get them to compete and act silly. Just before this picture was taken Bobby asked them which one of them could run faster. They then spent the next couple minutes racing each other around the dock area and comparing muscles. So goofy.
The lobby area of the ship was so pretty
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