Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Back to School!!
We were on vacation (14 blog posts with pix galore in progress!!) so Georgie didn't start back to preschool on 9/5 with her class. No matter! she still wore her special Back to School dress for her first day  :-)

G was really excited about being in Room 5 with Mrs Martino and getting the chance to see her friends again. She loves school! We arrived a bit early so she could find her cubby and look around at her new room. The room itself is kind of unusual in that it has a reading loft that's accessed by a spiral staircase. I think I would have loved that when I was four... I think I love it right now :-)

The actual day was a big success. All the kids greeted Georgie with lots of enthusiasm which made her feel welcome. Georgie was happy they got to go to "the big kids' school" and play on the playground. I guess they start doing that once a week or so when there are no other children there so the kids can get acquainted with the much larger playground. I think this is such a great idea! I'm sure for some kids the big playground could be pretty intimidating.

When I asked G to give the day a thumb's up or thumb's down she gave a big thumb's up and said "all the way to outer space!" I don't think it could have gone much better.
Georgie loved this dress. When I picked her up the office assistant told me that every time she saw G that day she was twirling!!! I liked that the little school house on the bodice matches her school.
Mrs Martino is a wonderful person. Very kind and calm. I think she will be a great teacher for G this year.
G in her classroom. See the little reading loft? I love that. All the kids and parents had to sign a contract stating that they understood the rules of using it.
We're looking forward to a fun year of progress :-)

1 comment:

Tanya said...

She's adorable and I love her dress!!