After our first day of Epcot, we decided to pick up pizzas and come back to our condo complex to use the pool. The place we're staying in is really nice. Because its the off season we were able to get a 3 bdrm condo for super cheap. Its in a complex that's only about a 5 min drive to disney, the closest non disney property. In fact, we can see the evening fireworks from our living room! It has an enormous and gorgeous pool with a beach entry and a bit water slide. It also has one of those fountain areas which G loves! She made friends with another 2 yr old girl and they had a blast running from shoot to shoot for awhile.
Anyway, before we left the house, I made up these quick little invites with stickers to show G what we'd be doing each day. Ex on the day we did Cinderella's Royal Table she had an invitation to the castle for breakfast with a Cindy sticker on it. For DHS day I made this little invite to the Disney Playhouse. G loved it! Each morning she'd run to the table to get her invite for the day.
Its a cute ride. You wear the 3d glasses and ride in little cars equipped with a gun type thing that you point at arcade targets and shoot by pulling a string.
More character sightings. This time with Jasmine and Alladin.
At the pick a pearl place in the Japan Pavillion. I'd planned for this by bringing along pearl cages shaped like Cinderella's coach and silver chains for both G and me. I was hoping to get an oyster with 2 pearls (twins) so we'd have a matching set but we ended up having to buy two separate oysters. G really liked it though and now we have our matching jewelry as a remembrance!
Here's a pic of G's necklace.
The girls with our bling! You can tell how hot it is by how red my face is. It was a horribly humid day.
G was really looking forward to seeing the beast and we finally found him in the french pavillion.
With Mary Poppins
G had her first taste of soda. We ducked into the Coca Cola store where they have samples of unusual coke products from around the world. I gave G a little taste of the apple flavored one that they apparantly sell in Mexico. I was on the phone with disney lost and found at the time hoping maintenance had located my sunglasses that fell off my head and in between the cars while riding the Spaceship Earth ride 2 days before. They didn't find them. It was a long shot but I had my fingers crossed. I loved those sunglasses. G and Bobby had gotten them for me as a mother's day gift. Bummer.
My attempt at photographing Bobby to look like he's holding the big white ball. We tried it with 3 or 4 of the photopass photogs too so hopefully one of them will come out pretty good. Bobby really liked the idea of the shot.
And that ended the Disney portion of our vacation. It was really fun but incredibly exhausting. Five days straight in the parks is just a LOT of walking and its been super hot--in the low 90s and just as humid as can be although it only actually rained once. G has been an incredible little trooper. We've been hitting the parks at 9 0'clock rope drop and staying until about 4:30 or 5 each day. She's napped a bit in the stroller but more often than not she hasn't fallen alseep until we're in the car on the way to dinner (20-45 mins) and then that's it. She had one little fit today when she didn't get her way about something (lasted about 45 secs or so) and she has been getting a bit hyper at the end of the day but overall she's smiley and handling the heat better than us big kids. Casey has been able to maintain a calm demeanor better than the rest of us so kudos to him!
Tomorrow we drive to Tampa to catch the ship for the cruise! I probably won't be able to post at all due to high internet costs on the ship but I'll be taking lots of pix! I hope we get into all our ports ok because I'm excited about the excursions I have planned. We'll see :-)
Glad you guys are having a great time love the pictures. Can't wait to see more
Love all the pics and the idea of the invitations-- you're so creative!
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