It was last week actually. The local library did a cute event where they read the Seuss book Green Eggs and Ham and then had some little activities for the kids. As it so happens, I found this super cute Cat in the Hat hairbow a few mos back, then I came across the tennis shoes and finally the cute little top... ta duh!!! the perfect Dr. Seuss outfit!!!
G had lots of fun. She still won't sit on the carpet to listen to the story with the other kids so I sat with her. I'm hoping that if I continue to do so at some point she'll decide she doesn't need me to sit right next to her and I can sit in the chairs instead... my back will appreciate it a LOT!
They had an activity where the kids tried to balance a plastic egg on a spoon while they walked... G was really good at. She managed to balance it until the last foot or so! Her prize was two free lollies from the See's candy place there at the mall. (We're fortunate to have a brand new and incredibly gorgeous library is attached to the new mall by our house). G loved the chocolate lolly although it was super messy! Hmmm, now that I think about it, this may have been the first time G'd ever had candy...
G giving high five to the cat in the hat lady who read the story:
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