G got this cute little Ni Hao Kai Lan trike for Christmas. Bobby pushed her around in the house some but she didn't really have the coordination to pedal. I finally decided to take it outside and see how she did. At first G said "push me" which was fine for a minute or so then, you know, not so much fun for mom. G finally figured out she could get herself going pretty quickly by just walking her feet along while she sat. If she was going downhill she did a bit better on the pedaling but its definitely not a skill she's mastered. Oh well, good thing she has lots of time to learn!
These little walks we go on take a LONG time. Its a great way to while away an hour or so. We don't cover a lot of ground but we have lots of fun discovering leaves and bugs. G has to stop at every house and go pick some of their flowers. Good thing my neighbors don't mind. At least I don't think they mind, maybe they're just not home!!!
Anyway, G's perception of a beautiful flower worth picking is sometimes a little different than other peoples.... given the choice between a flower in full bloom and a completely spent flower a few inches away, G seems to always choose the flower that looks like a stick. Every once in a while she'll choose one with petals. My beautiful silly girl.
1 comment:
No wonder they don't mind, she'd deadheading their flowers, nice!
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