Saturday, July 06, 2013

Butterfly Kisses

Butterfly Kisses
The date of Georgie's annual costumed recital finally arrived. This is a HUGE event in Georgie's life. There is the costume, special pictures, weeks and weeks of dance practice, special added practices, the wearing of make-up, etc. Georgie loves every minute of it. For me, other than watching the actual 3 minutes of dance performance, not so much :-) But, I do my very best to maintain a positive attitude for the kid. Anyway, the day arrived and Georgie was super excited. Truthfully, she looked beautiful in her dress and she did a fantastic job on her dance! During the performance, a pretty little ballet set to "Butterfly Kisses", her improved confidence really shined through. In years past she was always so intimidated that during the performance she'd stare at the teacher rather than relying on her memory of the dance. But this year, as she explained to me, she knew it "cold"! And, she did! Adorable, truly adorable.

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