Monday, May 13, 2013

On being a mom
I've been a mom for a long time; over 24 years. Twenty four Mothers Days later and I feel even more fortunate to be a mom than I did the first time I celebrated. It hasn't always been easy. In fact, there have been days over the last 24 years or so that I didn't feel fortunate at all. Moms know what I mean; parents know what I mean. Parenting can be tough and heartbreaking and exhausting and frustrating and scary. But, given the choice of experiencing those painful emotions or never being given the opportunity, its an easy call. Being a mom has been totally worth it, all the not-so-great days and every single tear.

Over the years I've made lots of mistakes, learned much and, even though far from perfect, I feel I have a better handle on things with Georgie than I did the first two times around. Georgie is the recipient, or possibly in some cases the victim :-) of my experience. Of course, being the parent to an adult child is a very different proposition. I've never done that before so I continue to stumble through the best I can. I suppose I'll be more prepared for that the second time around also.

One of the moms at Georgie's preschool is a professional photographer and was doing a mommy/daughter shoot. She took many pix of Georgie and me together but, strangely enough, the one below was my favorite. It spoke to me I guess. There's that quote about a mother holding her child's hand for awhile, but their hearts forever. I don't know about the heart part, that will have to be seen... but the hand part? Thankfully, I have that covered for now.

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