Sunday, May 19, 2013

Mother's Day
It was a very nice day. Georgie woke me up as late as she could stand it... which was about 7:30. She then showered me with drawings and cards she'd made over the last couple days.

There was this little beauty that she made at school:

 This one that she made with daddy:
 all the hearts and letters are homemade pop ups :-)
 Who knows when she made this one... it may have been from her stack of typical daily creations
Apparantly she made this one Mother's Day morning while I was sleeping! Love, love, love the stick fingers. There were more drawings and cards as well filled with lovely little pictures and words of love!!! This is the best part of Mother's Day without a doubt.  Bobby did a great job! I love my Brighton heart locket necklace. So pretty.
Came downstairs to find these pretty tulips, a gift from Casey :-)
After that I was off to a nice breakfast at the Mission Inn with Georgie and my mom. It was blazing hot that day. Seriously, incredibly hot for mid May in this area. But, no matter, the Mission Inn was still a treat as always.
Georgie, along with every other child I've ever seen, loves to sit on this cannon that sits in front of the hotel. We had to wait our turn for the opportunity. Totally worth it in G's opinion I'm sure.
After that, it was time to come home and take a bit of a rest. We spent dinner with Bobby's mom and his brother's family. No pix but a nice time.

Overall, a great Mother's Day for me :-)

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