Back to the El Capitan for the "digitally remastered" version of Cinderella :-)
Of course one of the reasons we haul our butts all the way to Hollywood for movies, there was a special event. This time it was a breakfast with Cindy. In preparation we rummaged through G's costume box to dig up her Cinderella dress and as luck would have it we came across a pair of brand new cindy shoes that used to be too big for her but now fit perfectly!!
And away we go....
I've seen the movie a few times but it must have been a long time ago because I didn't really remember most of it. Anyway, everyone knows the story so no reason to go into it. Suffice to say that G loved it!! Its really fun going to the movies with her. Seriously, half the fun is watching and listening to her watch the movie. She gasps and makes these huge faces of surprise when something unexpected happens. Adorable!!!

The table decoration was so cute! The glass slipper and my favorite part, Cindy's little mop.

Construction outside the building is ongoing so the Mickey statue is still in the hallway inside.

Chatting about girl stuff!

The official photo op

Not the greatest pic of me

Popcorn in hand and ready for the show!!

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