I'm a bit behind on my blogging. We've been super busy lately and I've been working a lot which means no time or energy for late night posting. But, I'm going to try to catch up!!
A few weeks ago, G finished her first year of preschool. Its amazing to think about how much she has grown in the last 9 mos or so both socially and physically. When she started in September my main desire was that she would gain confidence. Boy has she! Georgie had such a great year and loved her school, teacher and friends so much that its hard to believe how terrified I was to drop her off that first day.
The official preschool year ended with a cute little carnival. This was a highly anticipated day in G's world and she enjoyed herself tremendously.
They had activity stations where the kids could play a little game or whatever (fishing, horseshoe toss, etc) and then choose a prize from a bucket. G was very careful to work her way through each activity and then carefully choose a single prize. It was an on-your-honor system so many of the children were a bit enthusiastic with their prize acquisition. This did not occur to G. She played each game once and took only one prize. Quite the rule follower this one :-)

The cookie decorating was a big hit with Georgie. By the time she was done "decorating" you truthfully could not even see the cookie. Apparently her restraint goes out the window when it comes to sweets!

Georgie was so excited when the director put the red ribboned medal over her head. She absolutely beamed with pride!!! so cute!!

The school hired a face painter for the event. I was thrilled to see it was the same woman we'd encountered at chick fil a awhile back on a family night. She continues to be the most amazing face painter I've ever seen. She created this mermaid on G's arm in about minute and half. She's also super nice. I've been thinking about hiring her for G's birthday party (yes, I know that's still 6 mos away but its never too early to start planning!)

End of year photo with G's teacher. Mrs Davis LOVES Georgie and the feeling is quite mutual. All of the teachers at the school are very nice but I think Mrs Davis provided the perfect first year experience.

After school let out some of moms and kids from G's class headed to Farrell's for a little get together. Yes, Farrell's... its BACK! I've gotten to know the other mom's a bit and am happy to say that they're a great group. I'm not sure whether we'll have any of the same kids in G's class next year but I hope so. Super nice families.
Trying to get a squirrely group of 4 yr olds to pose for a pic isn't so easy. But, we had good success on the silly face picture!

G won't have to wait too long to get back to her buddies. After a few weeks vacation she will be back for summer school.
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