Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Dance, shop, eat, walk, fish
G had dance class Saturday morning like she does each weekend. After that we had to run an errand in Costa Mesa (for those not familiar with the so cal area, that's not close :-) at the South Coast Plaza. After some time in the mall and a quick lunch we started driving home and got pretty close when we saw G had crashed out in her seat. To kill time while she slept Bobby suggested driving up to Mt Baldy as we haven't been up there in awhile. It was a cold day (its usually really hot by Memorial Day so this is quite unusual) and when we got to the top of the hill it was FREEZING. The temp gauge was reading 39 degrees and in true California style Bobby was wearing shorts and G had a tutu skirt on :-) so after a minute or two it was time to move on down the mountain a bit. After watching the temp rise to a level we thought we could live with we found a turnout and headed down a path. G was so cute hunting for flowers, leaves and pine cone treasures. After a bit the cold started getting to us again so it was time to move on.

Next stop Trout Pond! Confession: I've never caught a fish. Never, not even one, in my whole life. Bobby has, tons. Brett and Casey have but not me. I don't really mind. I kind of feel bad for the fish. I don't mind eating fish and meat but I'd prefer not to kill it myself. Anyway, when I saw the little trout pond I knew G would think it was fun. I was right, she was excited but I explained to her "just one fish". Trout pond fish are super expensive plus, I'm not much of a fan of trout. G was a good little fisherman and, not surprisingly, caught a fish really fast. Yay! G tends to be a pretty sensitive soul and I thought she might be bothered by the flailing fish but she wasn't. Yay!! again.

It was a big day that we capped off with a sushi dinner (no, not the fish G just caught, all together different fish :-) to celebrate my birthday. yay. Exhausting.

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