under the sea.... darling its better, down where its wetter, take it from me!!!
The new Little Mermaid ride opened at California Adventure a few weeks ago and I'd been really wanting to take G. My girl is an Ariel fanatic. We hooked up with friends Tanya, Gracie and Kyle and made a Mermaid day of it by booking the Ariel's Grotto princess lunch also.
We got there early and ended up waiting in line maybe 10-15 mins to ride. By the time our short ride had come to an end, the wait had increased to 45 mins, eek!! G loved it!! We were able to get on a few more things then went to the Grotto for some much needed food. G loves her princesses and eagerly collected all their autographs. So fun! Gracie suggested riding Monsters, Inc. G jumped at the suggestion completely forgetting that the last time she rode it a few mos ago she was really scared. I guess hanging out with Gracie--who at 4.5 is much older and more sophisticated :-) --made her feel brave! And, because Gracie was walking, G wanted to walk all day too. Normally she would ask to ride in the stroller or want me to carry her. They were so cute together all day, holding hands and giggling. Adorable!
This was taken right after we got off the ride. G was super happy!
Overall a fantastic day! Great weather, good friends, lots of fun!
Great post! We had a blast hanging out with you guys. We'll have to do it again after block out days.
Looks like you had a lot of fun. Sorry we missed it. I guess we could've got into the grotto with you. Oh well. Next time. G's Ariel dress is beautiful and yes it is better than the "real" Ariel's costume. Hee hee!
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