Saturday, June 06, 2009

Sandspit Beach:
The friday before Memorial Day, we had to go pick Brett up from school so he could be home for Casey's high school graduation. We decided to make a bit of a day of it. So we played hookie from work, Georgie played hookie from the babysitter and we took her to the beach by Brett's school. Even though it was super hot here (high 80s at least) it was a little on the chilly side up there. As you can see from the pix, all was not lost though. We were able to find our emergency "Georgie-had-a-blowout" outfit and pop that on her so she wouldn't be too cold.

Sandspit, the little beach we went to, was basically empty. As you can see from the pix, it was pretty much just us. Positives were tons of shells and rocks, seals, pelicans, etc to look at plus, no crowd. The water was cold but G not so much so that G couldn't put her feet in and splash a bit. Near the end it became somewhat problematic because G just wanted to dive right in but, if she had, she would have been freezing. We spent about 2 hours there watchinger her dig in the sand, pick up rocks and shells and yell "birdie" whenever the opportunity arose.

It was quite a lovely time actually.

After that, we got Brett in the car and began our long and painful trek back home. It only took us 2 hrs to get there but almost 5 hours of straight driving to get home. The traffic was really, really bad which wasn't unexpected due to the holiday weekend but still unwelcome. G did really well in the car, she almost always does. She slept for a few hours, snacked, and played with Brett in the back seat. Right about the time we pulled into our neighborhood, she'd had all she could take and, when I looked back at her, had the saddest expression on her face I've ever seen. Luckily, we were out of the car only about 1 minute later then she happied right up again!!!!

That kid is such a trooper, I swear!

Georgie when we first arrived. Notice clippie still in hair :-)


I just love her sandy little foot! So cute!

Daddy and G taking a walk. I think G had found a piece of seaweed she couldn't put down!

G loves to be swung up into the air. Not too fast though or she gets frightened

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Seaweed, yum! Not that kind, of course...