Saturday, June 30, 2007

Technology and I have a love/hate relationship...
I think I was born at the wrong time, as far as technology goes. I'm young enough that I'm supposed to understand how stuff works and use it for work and play. But, I was born before tech stuff had really arrived to the average person and so lack a fundamental comfort and understanding of all things wired. At least that's the excuse that I like to use!

Because my mom forced me, I took "Typing" in high school. I also took "Shorthand" --is there anyone on the face of the planet younger than 35 or so even knows what shorthand is??? I doubt it. I learned to type on a manual typewriter (ding, typewriter slap with the right hand to return to the left margin). It didn't correct, you had to stick a little piece of correct-o-type paper in there and re-type over the letter to white it out. Its hard to believe anything ever got done in those days, it was incredibly inefficient. We had 2 "modern" electric typewriters in the classroom but they were reserved for the two fastest typists in the class and that was NEVER me. I didn't have an electric typewriter until Bobby bought me one when I was in my first year of law school --it had auto correct A WHOLE LINE'S WORTH!!! It was great! So, anyway, that's my excuse for being technologically challenged.

I've had an iPod for a little over a year now. Bobby bought it for me for my birthday last year, I purchased a very pretty little pink cover for it --then never used it. Didn't know how. It seemed hard. So, finally I got up the nerve to (hold your breath) PLUG IT IN!! Ok, so it took me HOURS to figure out but I got it! The iTunes thing was pretty easy but then I tried to branch out by using for a download to add to the iTunes account... it was very confusing to my little brain but, I did it, and now I have TONS of songs on my iPod. Yeah!!!

Now, if I could just figure out how to get one of those songs here, on my blog, I’d have proof that I was entering the new millenium. Maybe next weekend, I think I've used up all my tech efforts for awhile!


Unknown said...

The reason I dont have an IPOD is because of fear. I dont want to spend a lot of money and then not know how to use it.Great picture of Kip!!

"I love technology, but not as much you, you see"

fabulous song

Anonymous said...

Dont laugh, I do shorthand too. I am also very very fast at typing. I agree with Cindy, Limewire is cool. It just happens to be illegal.

Debbie said...

That is just too funny. I too learned how to type on the old fashion clank clank slap clank clank machine!! Did not do shorthand though, but I do know what it is. I am thinking we must be in the same age range!!! I too have an IPOD and did exactly what you did bought it and then did nothing with it. Until my youngest daughter came for Christmas and educated her mother. Who would have thought a child teaching their mother!!! Would you mind me linking your blog on my blog?? Email me and let me know!!!