Thursday, January 05, 2006

Two things I learned today...

Learned thing #1: Well, I haven't written in awhile and mostly because there hasn't been much to say. For any of you who have been following my blog, and there may not be any, I don't know... I have changed its name. Used to be Journey to My China Doll, updated to Journey to My China Princess. Why? I learned today on APC -- the mother of all china adoption related yahoo groups-- that the term "china doll" is not PC. I thought it was cute and used to call the boys my little dolls when they were younger but apparantly it is considered impolite because at some time chinese prostitutes were referred to as "china dolls". I didn't really like the association, so I changed it. I must comment that I think its better than one blog I read where a mother, obviously unknowingly, referred to her newly adopted chinese daughter as "the little nipper".

Learned thing #2: I am waiting, not patiently, for the dreaded I171H. Our homestudy was received by the Los Angeles USCIS office on 11/28/05 but no I171 yet. I have officially turned into one of those frantic people who is surfing every china adoption related yahoo group looking for answers as to when the heck we can expect to receive it. Looks like it may be another couple weeks. I was so hoping to be DTC (Dossier to China) by 1/20/06, the last date in January that my agency will be sending dossiers but, that's starting to look unlikely. More likely is that we will be done by the next mail in date which is 2/4/06. I know that to the average person that doesn't seem like such a big difference but to me, it is agonizing. I know it sounds funny but I could hardly wait for the holidays to be over so we could stop losing CIS working days. I come home from work every day and check the mail first thing. I feel pathetic. Lesson: I'm really bad at waiting.

In order to help pass the time I have registered for Mandarin classes at the local community college. I think it will be fun. I purchased some language CD's and that's going along pretty well but the class should be great. Funny, when I graduated from law school I said I would never again be a student because I was so sick of school but here I go again!!

Just thinking... it seems as though the referral ages have gotten younger with about 10 mos being average. So, if we get a referral in 11/06 that means that our little princess will be born in about 2/06. It is possible that she's been born already and that the little girl that will be joining our family is already in existence somewhere. I hope if she that she's safe, warm, and well-fed.

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