I waited for the DHL and made a run for the door when I saw the truck! I opened the door with a big Hello! and asked if I could take his picture. He hmm'd a little then said "ok" I explained to him that he was delivering my baby. When he looked at the sender, Harrah's Adoptions, he got a big smile and said "sure" --thanks Mike the DHL guy!!!
The actual pix of Baby G look even better than the emailed ones did! Interestingly, the mugshot one that I wasn't too pleased with yesterday, now looks adorable! The info we received is mostly in chinese but some can be figured out. Her stats at birth were:
weight: 3.2 kg --a little over 7 lbs!
length: 49.70 cm --19-1/2"
~Hold her head up while lying on the stomach
~Roll from supine to prone position by herself
~Sit alone quite steadily
~Tear paper!!
~Grasp toy near hand
~Crawl on hands and knees
~Locate the direction of sound/voice
~Hold blocks in each hand at the same time
~Look for a dropped toy
~Visually follow moving toys
~Reach and grasp a toy beyond
~Follow someone by moving head from side to side
~Laugh out loud!!!
~Eat biscuits without help
~Distinguish between strangers and acquaintances
~Turn head when name is called
Under personality they checked: active, restless, has a ready smile, fond of toys and music, obstinate sometimes, fond of games, quick in reaction. She sounds like quite the little firecracker!! I notice they did not check: quiet or fond of quietness!
It is said that she is closest to her caretaker and then there are several characters written in chinese. Not sure if that's a name or what at this point.
"The Chinese symbol of Love brings our warm welcome to your precious little one. We are blessed to be a part of such a beautiful miracle!
Your Harrah's AIM Family"
I'm so happy for you. You have ever right to be on cloud nine. I hope this feeling lasts right up until you travel. I'm so happy to be following another Jianxi family.
I'm so happy for you and your family!!!
What a precious baby... SO CUTE!!
Congratulations on your Jiangxi referral!! When you are ready to get her finding ad (which has a photo of your girl that predates her referral photos!) come visit us at www.research-china.org.
Hope you have a speedy trip!!
She's adorable - i love looking at her pictures.
I think it so sweet that your agency gave her that cute bracelet.
Life is good right now, huh?
Congratulations on your precious baby girl! You'll see just how worth the wait she was! =)
Congratulations! Your daughter is just precious!
Congratulations!! What a cutie!!! This is going to be an exciting season in your life! :)
She's adorable! Congratulations!
Your baby girl is so adorable! Your agency sounds tops! I cant wait to see my referral packet. Looking forward to following your journey!
Congratulations! I remember those days (I think my referral call went exactly like yours, I still barely can remember what I said, lots of gibberish I am sure). This is such a special time, enjoy it, it really does go so quickly.
She is so very darling, I just love her little expressions!
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