Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Yeah!!!! Our second homestudy was completed on Sunday!!! I really must admit there is absolutely no love between our social worker and me. We just don't hit it off at all. She was at our house for about 50 minutes total during which she stared at my kids, asked them what they thought of this process (they gave their standard "it's weird" answer) then told us all that they looked "normal" and sent them on their merry way. Very strange. I have to admit I was slightly concerned with the fact that Brett's arms are literally covered in huge ugly bruises! It looks like someone beat him with a bat --they're actually from his football games/practices. Anyway, I don't think the SW noticed... to tell you truth, I don't think she notices much of anything.

Although we were told it was very important to have our autobiographies available at the first homestudy meeting so the SW could review them prior to our "in-depth" second meeting, it was obvious that she had never looked at them at all. In fact approximately half of the 50 mins was spent with her reading through them while we looked at her across that table. The balance of the time she walked us through our house explaining that we will need to put up gates and place door latches on the cupboards. Can we all say "DUH!!!" I mean, Hello, we have two teenagers. She also had some issues with the pool but seemed fairly satisfied that we are safety freakish enough that it shouldn't be a problem.

In any event, before she left she asked if we had any questions. Of course I only had one... When will the homestudy be complete? She said 10 days so, doing the math, it seems we'll have an emailed rough draft by maybe 11/10/05 or so. Yippeeee!!!

I guess I really shouldn't complain about the fact that the SW doesn't seem overly involved in this process. It could certainly be worse. I've heard of some that just drive people crazy with things they need to do before they can be approved.

On the USCIS front (previously I.N.S.) our I600 was received by them on 10/27/05. I'm not sure how long it will take for them to send us some reply. Our homestudy agency director says that we should receive a letter from them saying "thanks, now we're waiting for your homestudy." But I've read on the International Adopt California yahoo group that it's likely we'll be given a fingerprint appointment without the homestudy. We will see.

In regard to the dossier, we're really now just waiting on the correctly completed form from the doctor for my medical clearance. Yesterday, I went to his office for a new test (this is my 7th!!! visit to the doctor to get this single page form completed) and we should have the completed doc by 11/4 (fingers crossed).

All in all, it seems that things are going along fairly well. I spend some time everyday reading the chinese adoption blogs and stories of others and looking at referral pix of those who already have their little bundles of joy. I also daydream and do endless internet searches for cribs, crib bedding, strollers, and of course baby names. It passes the time. Halloween just passed and it's interesting to think that by next year we may have our little girl to dress up and take trick-or- treating!! It seems as though referrals are slowing down though so, once again, we'll have to see.

Alright then. I'll write more when there's more to tell!!

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bloggrez said...
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